Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mudbox Sculpting

Here's a vampire bat head I sculpted out using Mudbox. I'm going to try and post up my practice sculpts to see if I can get any critiques on my 3D sculpting skills, as I am very new to the whole thing.

Oh, and in other news... I just had an interview for an internship with the guys up at Disney Interactive Studios in Salt Lake. It was pretty cool. Joe Olson was even there. But also a very sad day, because the SOE Denver studio was closed down. Best wishes to all you great people who helped me out during my summer internship last year.

One last image: Inca Temple WIP

Bodies - Exaggeration Practice

Image Source: The Sartorialist

A character study from a photo found on the fashion blog, The Sartorialist.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Faces - Caricature Practice

Andy Samberg
Source: Google Images
Academic Study

Emma Stone
Source: Google Images
Academic Study
I was practicing faces for Joe's class, and I'm reaally quite out of practice (check out my previous caricatures!). I've been busy working on a portfolio piece, so I'll show you a WIP shot to try and compensate for this otherwise grossly underwhelming post.

Thanks for stopping by and looking at my art stuff. Peace!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Environment Design

Half inspired by, and half revolted/haunted by the film Apocalypto, this is a three point perspective assignment done for Joe Olson's class, done to the theme "A Place of Evil." It's an odd blend of Mayan, Aztec, and Inca architecture, including some of my own creative spice thrown in for good measure.

I'm planning on modeling and texturing this scene out as a portfolio piece, as I am in the process of preparing to graduate and find my place in the world... of making video games. (PS. If you know of anyone in the industry looking to hire people, do me a favor and pass on my info. Thanks much!)

Oh, and I've run across a spectacularly awesome project: "Tsunami: Pictures for Japan" ( You should definitely check it out.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Earthquake Art

I first read on Facebook that a massive earthquake had hit Japan (weird how that's my best news source these days), and throughout the day I've had a certain image come to mind whenever I heard updates on the situation or anything like that.

I feel weird and helpless being over here, and unable to do anything for those that are suffering... just like when previous disasters have struck elsewhere around the world. I don't really have any extra money to donate, and I can't go globe-trotting to do any real service, so I guess I'm doing what little I can to increase awareness and make a tribute to the nation of Japan. I have Japan to thank for giving me Dragon BallAnime/Manga in general, many of my very favorite video games, and great friends and acquaintances (shout-out to the BYU Asian Ward!). 

Looking over this post as I'm about to publish it makes me feel very cheesy and embarrassed by my crappy art, but I guess cheesy, crappy art is what I'm all about! I read this article about art and motivation a while ago, and it made me feel better about myself.

If I was 1/10th as awesome as the Great Jake Wyatt, I'd do something like he's doing, but you should TOTALLY check out his charity prints he is selling through his blog/deviantart:

Here's a handy link on how you can help with the relief efforts:
For the "latest" news from CNN:

Thank you to everyone who checks out my blog regularly, especially my sisters and parents. And to those with family or loved ones in Japan I wish you all the best and hope that you'll enjoy peace and comfort throughout this emotional and tumultuous time.

UPDATE: (I copy/pasted this from Dice Tsutsumi's site)
Artists Help Japan–earthquake & tsunami emergency fund from Dice TSUTSUMI (Art Director at Pixar)

Posted on Saturday 12 March 2011

Hello everyone
I hope you and your loved ones are safe in the catastrophic disaster in Japan.
The earthquake was the most powerful in the history and the outcome is devastating without showing any sign of calming down.
It took me and my wife to get in touch with our families in Japan. Some of our relatives are still out of reach in the hard hit areas.
Aside from it’s my home country, I would simply want to ask for your help.
As you may know, artists have done numerous charity projects such as Totoro Forest Project, Art Block for Ghana, Picture Book Project, and Sketchtravel.
Artists once again can get together to bring our inspiration together to respond to the immediate needs from far east.
Working with Give2Asia who we worked with for Totoro Forest Project to help preserve Sayama Forest back in 2008, we set up a simple fund called Artists Help Japan.
Artists Help Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Fund is responding to the immediate needs of survivors as well as short-term to long-term recovery projects undertaken by the affected communities.
Give2Asia has a local team based in Tokyo to assess the current situation and to obtain more information on the needs of survivors. Give2Asia helped Totoro Forest Project efficiently send fund to Japan and has a great reputation when it comes to humanitarian efforts in Asia as a part of Asian Foundation.
Having worked with them, I can trust the fund will be used wisely and efficiently to help people in Japan.
This may be just a small help we can only provide from far away but I hope our prayers will reach people in Japan.


You might have already helped through other venues? Then please help spread the words on your blog and facebook!
***Give2Asia is a US 501 (c) (3) public charity, to which contributions are tax deductible (Federal Employer Identification #94-3373670).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Snow-Terrain Vehicle Concept

A concept for a snow-terrain utility vehicle... with missile-launchers... I actually looked at snowmobiles, old tanks (particularly their treads), and armored personnel carriers for reference.

Here is a previous attempt... including the original line work.

If any of you are into this kind of concept art, I would highly recommend these sites, because they do it much better than me. Anyways, thanks for looking!

Friday, March 4, 2011

i've been drawing... figures...

I just noticed I've never posted any of my figure drawings up here on this blog, so here ya go. Used pencil, pen, and Prismacolor markers on the various sketches, which were mostly <5 mins, usually only 2-3 mins.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Emo Lion-O

I've been noticing a variety of ThunderCats art and the like flying around on the internet space lately. Be that as it may, this was primarily a random doodle and not much else... it turns out Emo Lion-O and Ezra Lau have the same initials... whodathunkit...

Just in case you missed out on this cool reboot trailer:

And this cool-looking, LEAKED footage of a CG ThunderCats project:

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